
Indian geek pythonista <3 vim & Linux.

Copy Images from Quora

Ever tried to copy images from Quora? Didn't open?

You might have tried to save those memes from Quora using right click Save As.. option. And obviously you've had failed to open it or Facebook rejected to upload it.
The reason is Quora uses webp image format to load and render Webpages faster, as WebP images are smaller in size than JPEG and PNGs.

So How can I download those images?
1. Right click and open image in new tab
2. Note convert_to_webp at the end of URL e.g http://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cb898e021f74e6025ff0f92448df2d36?convert_to_webp=true
3. Replace true with false and hit return.
4. You've done it! Now you can download and use it.



Python Developer who hates WhatsApp and loves Open Source. Security enthusiast.
I believe "Talk is cheap, when it comes to coding".
